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Mesmerizing Kayak Journey in our local lagoon is a delightful and extraordinary experience. Gliding through calm waters, surrounded by the beauty of nature, every moment will be memorable and enchanting.
The sunrise tour kicks off around 6:00 am, and sunset tours commence at 4:00 pm.
FOR 2 PERSONS - 1 Night stay with B&B
Mesmerizing Kayak Journey in our local lagoon is a delightful and extraordinary experience. Gliding through calm waters, surrounded by the beauty of nature, every moment will be memorable and enchanting.
Whether you opt for a guided tour or decide to navigate the lagoon independently, the choice is yours. As you paddle through the waters, uncover the mysteries of mangrove caves, observe elusive river wildlife, and bask in the serenity of nature therapy.
Photography enthusiasts will appreciate the added bonus. Upon completing your trip, anticipate receiving a curated collection of photos, capturing the enchanting moments of your kayaking adventure, a cherished keepsake to reminisce about the experiences shared during the excursion.
Free upgrade to Luxury Room when available.
Other qualifying benefits valid at the time for booking online with us.
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